Kue Kering Nastar

200 gr Mentega
250 gr Rombutter
60 gr Gula Halus
5 Butir  Kuning Telur
½ sdt Vanilla bubuk
1 sdt Baking Powder
500 gr Tepung Terigu
60 gr Maizena
40  gr  Susu bubuk
½ Kg Selei Nenas

Puding Roti Bakar Cokelat


2 pasang roti bakar isi pasta cokelat  (toasted bread with chocolate filling)
Mentega (butter) , dilelehkan
Buah kurma (fruit of date)
Kayu manis bubuk (ground cinnamon)
Gula Palem /Palm Suiker (Palm sugar)
Selei blueberry (blueberry jam)
1 scope ice cream strawberry

1 telur  (egg)
2 kuning telur (egg yolks)
¼ cup gula pasir (castoe sugar)
1 cup whipping cream
2 sdm susu kental manis putih  (white sweetened condensed  milk)

Roti Bakar Cokelat

6 lembar roti tawar (white sliced bread)
Mentega/butter , pada suhu kamar, secukupnya
Selei blueberry

Pasta cokelat
½  cup susu (full milk)
200 gr cokelat masak (dark cooking chocolate)

1 dan ½ cup air putih (water)
2/3 cup susu kental manis putih (white sweetened condensed milk)
2 sdt esens vanila (Vanilla essence)
1 sdm bubuk custard (custard powder)

Cheesecake Indonesia Tanpa Oven

          Cheesecake ini tidak memerlukan oven untuk memanggang.   Bekukan saja  dalam kulkas selama 6 jam sebelum disajikan.  Keluarkan dari pendingin 15 menit sebelum dimakan, untuk hasil cream yang lembut, masih dingin, dan biskuit yang langsung meleleh di mulut.


500 gr cream cheese
¼ cup gula halus
1 sdt esens vanila
1 cup whipped cream
Selei Blueberry

Kulit (Crust)
Biskuit Marie Khong guan
Biskuit Disgestive Roma
Cream Crackers Khong Guan
½ cup butter, lelehkan

Catch Me if You Can: The true story of real fake

Kisah nyata tentang Frank Abagnale Jr, sebelum berumur 19 tahun, yang berhasil meraup uang miliar dolar menggunakan cek palsu dengan berpura-pura sebagai seorang pilot, dokter dan pengacara.

Bintang: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken
Sutradara: Steven Spielberg
Penulis: Jeff Nathanson (screenplay), Frank Abagnale Jr. (book).


A Beautiful Mind: True Story

A Beautiful Mind ialah sebuah buku dan film yang memenangkan Academy Award. Ini mengenai matematikawan pemenang Penghargaan Bank Swedia dalam Ilmu Ekonomi untuk mengenang Alfred Nobel John Nash dan pengalamannya menderita skizofrenia. Biografi ini ditulis oleh Sylvia Nasar. Diterbitkan pada 1998. Film ini, diilhami nama yang sama, diluncurkan pada 2001.
Sutradara:  Ron Howard

Sinopsis : 
Film A Beautiful Mind mengisahkan seorang matematikawan John Nash (Russel Crowe) peraih nobel dalam bidang ilmu ekonomi pada tahun 1994. Dia adalah seorang matematikawan jenius tapi tak simpatik dan agak apatis. Dimulai tahun 1947 ketika dia bersekolah di perguruan tinggi Princeton dengan mendapat beasiswa Carniege. John Nash merupakan mahasiswa yang unik, ia tidak menyukai perkuliahan dan suka membolos, karena menurutnya berkuliah hanya membuang waktu saja dan mengekang kreativitas seseorang, dan hanya membuat otak menjadi tumpul. Nash lebih suka belajar secara otodidak, memahami dan memecahkan dinamika pergerakan natural melalui pemikirannya sendiri yang sangat kreatif. Nash lebih banyak meluangkan waktu di luar kelas demi mendapatkan ide orisinil untuk meraih gelar doktornya. Akhirnya dia berhasil diterima di pusat penelitian bergengsi, Wheeler Defense Lab di MIT.


OST. Music Of The Heart Lyrics

You'll never know
What you've done for me
What your faith in me
Has done for my soul (echo)
And you'll never know the gift you've given me
I'll carry it with me
Yeah ee yeah

Through the days ahead I'll think of days before (mm hmm)
You made me hope for something better (yes you did)
And made me reach for something more

Chorus 1
You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart

Chorus 2
You opened my eyes
You opened the door
To something I'd never known before
And your love (love)
Is the music of my heart (music of my heart)

You were the one
Always on my side (always on my side)
Always standing by (always standing by)
Seeing me through
You were the song that always made me sing
I'm singing this for you (singing this for you baby)
Everywhere I go I'll think of where I've been (think of where I've been)
And you're the one who knew me better than anyone ever will again (?)

Chorus 1
You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside (siiidee)
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Chorus 2
You opened my eyes
You opened the door (you opened the door)
To something I'd never known before (ohh ohhhhh)
And your love (your love)
Is the music of my heart (music of my heart)

What you taught me
Only your love could ever teach me
You got through when no one else could reach me (baby ohhh ohhh ohhh)
''cause you always saw in me
All the best that I could be
It was you who set me free

Chorus 1
You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside (me inside)
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart

Chorus 1
You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside (me inside)
Helped me hear the music of my heart (music of my heart)
Helped me hear the music of my heart (yeah ah yeah)

Chorus 2
You opened my eyes
You opened the door (opened the door)
To something I'd never known before (never, never, never felt before)
And your love
Is the music of my heart
The music of my heart
Music of my heart
Is the music of my heart

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/n/n+sync/#share
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